Saturday 11 December 2010

Thirty Days of Music Day 01 - Your Favourite Song

Heartbeats shot Jose Gonzalez into fame in 2005 when it was used in the Sony Bravia ad (above).  A cover of Swedish band The Knife's 2002 release, it is a beautiful two-and-a-half minute lament over a lost night of love.  I have spent many hours in wonder of the sheer genius of the guitar part that Gonzalez composed for the cover - it's honestly one of the best acoustic guitar phrases I have ever heard.  Unlike other songs that have tended to occupy my attention in phases - coming and going within weeks - this song has remained a favourite of mine for the last few years and now reigns supreme ,with 153, at the top of my most-played list.

Veneer, the album from which Heartbeats is taken, was Gonzalez's debut released in late 2005. It's a melancholy, tricklingly timid collection of songs that embody the style of a true singer-songwriter.  Gonzalez's gentle, placating voice is perfectly suited to this style of music and I can't stress enough how great this album is.  It may not be groundbreaking or experimental, but it's easy to spend hours listening to it.  Veneer is the perfect album to be woken up by on a lazy Sunday morning - it will coax you ever-so-delicately awake - or to chill out to after a busy day.  It's one of those albums that honestly feels like it does your soul good as you listen. 

Sony Bravia are almost single-handedly responsible for Heartbeats' fame - their famous San Francisco bouncing balls is an absolute masterpiece and is as good as the song itself.  Without using any special effects, Sony made one of the most beautiful ads of all time - the images and audio work perfectly together.  If you can't appreciate the beauty of this song, and this video, then I don't think I want you reading my blog...

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