Thursday 6 January 2011

Thirty Days of Music Day 27 - A Song You WIsh You Could Play

In 2000 American Beauty won 5 Academy Awards , including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor but it was the soundtrack that really stood out for me - specifically the Original Score composed by Thomas Newman.  Any Other Name is quite possibly one of the most easily recognisable and iconic pieces to be produced for a film.  It has been copied and recycled repeatedly over the last ten years, and there's rarely a good drama without a similar piece of music.

It's so perfect because it lays a perfectly melancholy emotional base for the scene going on on top of it - the piano is gentle and unobtrusive but at the same time beautifully sad and emotional.  This is the kind of music that I'd love to be able to play - it can hold your attention for hours, demanding all your focus, or it can remain quiet, unnoticed and elegant.

It's not about the difficulty or the technical skill required to play the song - that's not important - it's all about what the song itself offers to the listener, and the beauty of the composition.

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