Friday, 17 December 2010

Thirty Days of Music Day 07 - A Song That Reminds You of an Event

About 3 years ago I went to a fireworks show at one of my parents' friend's house.  He's an explosives expert and so the fireworks show was absolutely breathtaking, and my parents were kind enough to let me bring a friend along.  I took a friend called Joe, and at that time he was near obsessed with Fireflies, and so during the two hour journey to the fireworks show we sat in the back of the car listening to it over and over again.

This song is now linked so strongly to that event that it's all I think about when I hear it.  It seems fitting that a song about fireflies is linked to a night of incredible fireworks and, although I am not so in to that style of music any more, I still enjoy the song thanks to the memories that it brings to the surface. 

Fireflies is the sixth track from Finch's second album Say Hello To Sunshine.  Personally, I always preferred What It Is To Burn because I felt Finch left melody by the wayside with their second album.  There is no denying that both albums bring great intensity in their composition, but most of the tunes in What It Is are better composed - Fireflies is one of the only exceptions, matching up to classics such as Letters To You and Perfection Through Silence.  The chorus is simple but insanely catchy and the entire song is an intense, burning experience.  To a certain extent, it feels like it would be at home in Thrice's Alchemy Index Volume I: Fire.

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